The Arts Factory is a mixed-use arts facility located in a transformed warehouse at 281 Industrial Avenue. This cultural hub includes 21,000 square feet of workshops, studios, offices and common spaces. A unique partnership with the City of Vancouver allows us to offer affordable spaces to the local arts community.
The Arts Factory houses a mix of emerging and established artists, as well as arts organizations and professionals in the cultural sector. Our studio spaces are primarily geared to serve professional artists working with industrial-based fabrication process, such as sculptures, painting, fabric, wood, and ceramics.
The community of artists at 281 Industrial is committed to fostering innovation, learning exchanges, and cross-disciplinary collaboration. Our vision is that the building will function as an incubator for artists and their practice, while enabling connections between artists, neighbourhoods and institutions. The Arts Factory is managed by The Arts Factory Society, a non-profit society.
281 Industrial Ave, Vancouver, BC V6A 2P3
Tell us about your organization:
What kinds of installation setup does your space have to offer?
Hallway gallery / Artist studios / Co-working space
Are there artists from specific regions that you are interested in showcasing?
Is there a specific medium/genre of art making that your organization focuses on?
Are you a member of CARFAC?
Does your organization have a membership(s) that artists can join?
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:
Do you have an active relationship with the local First Nations and Indigenous communities?
There are Indigenous artists and arts organizations who access the space.
Do you have a diversity strategy, anti-racism or decolonization statement in place and can it be found on your website?
What are your current actions and future commitments to build or maintain your relationship with the First Nations and Indigenous artists and community?
Are you aware of Indigenous Protocols for the visual arts in your community?
Do you offer land acknowledgements?
Yes, during events and programs
Yes, on our website
Are there specific power dynamics that your organization has identified? And what are your current actions to address them?
Is your organization accessible via any of the following?
ASL translation
Map of space with room/hallway dimensions
Wheelchair accessibility
What opportunities do you offer for emerging artists?
Submission Process
How does your exhibition selection process work?
For a fee we provide gallery space to people who need it.
Do you offer other methods or opportunities for artists to showcase their works?
Artist Talks
Art Markets/Fairs
Community/Programming (ex: member shows)
Open Studios
What supports do you provide for exhibiting artists?
(Value up to) Insurance
Listings and newsletters
Which CARFAC Fees do you pay for exhibitions?
Which CARFAC Fees do you pay for digital programming?
Which CARFAC Fees do you pay for non-commercial reproductions?
Which CARFAC Fees do you pay for commercial reproductions?
Which CARFAC Fees do you pay for artist professional services?
Other Offered Support for Artists
What accessibility supports do you have for artists?
Hanging Height
Alternative Submission Methods (ex: video submissions vs written, etc)
What ways do you compensate artists?
Artwork Sales and Commissions
Gallery Shop Sales